Benefits of membership

Stay at the forefront of sustainability leadership

Organizations are rapidly evolving, and so is leadership in sustainability. At TSC, members gain access to a vetted community of senior sustainability leaders who help each other become better leaders by sharing unique insights, expertise, wisdom, and opportunities.

Leverage the Wisdom
of Your Peers

Leading sustainability in rapidly changing organizations is a highly complex and often lonely journey. TSC members combat this isolation by connecting with peers from other organizations who share the same challenges and goals. At TSC, you will always find trusted peers who help you with your most critical decisions to:

Prevent costly mistakes
Reduce blind spots
Get fresh perspectives
The image is a collection of small, circular portraits of various people scattered across a white background. Each circle contains a face, with some faces in color and others in grayscale. The circles vary in size and are distributed randomly across the entire image.
The Personal Board of Advisors

Accelerate Your Professional
Growth in 3 Simple Steps

Step 1

Join Your Curated
Peer Group

You will be matched with 10–12 peers who have similar interests and objectives, fostering a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives enrich your peer-advisory experience.

Get matched with the right peers

You'll be paired with peers based on similarities in career stage, problems and goals, with a focus on diverse backgrounds, skills, and experiences.

A visual depicting an array of circular headshots arranged in a scattered formation across the image. The majority are located towards the top of the layout, with a select group labeled 'Marketing' centered in a highlighted area towards the bottom. Each headshot features a different individual, collectively representing a diverse team or group, possibly within a corporate or social network setting. The image conveys a sense of organization or team structure, highlighting the 'Marketing' group within a larger collective.
Meet monthly in a structured format

Meet monthly for 90 minutes to solve your challenges and reach your goals in a proven, fast-paced and structured meeting format.

A structured agenda for a series of sessions or workshops is presented in a vertical layout. The left side shows a stylized, jagged timeline indicating progress through the sessions, while the right side details session titles and dates, with checkboxes for completion status. Each session includes a title, such as 'Session 1: Kick-off & Expectations', and a date range, with additional notes or objectives bulleted below. Text for individual bullet points is obscured. The design is clean and professional, typical for a corporate training or project planning document.
Get advice in a trusted & confidentional space

Receive advice from your counterparts and gain valuable critique that goes beyond what friends and family can offer.

"The approach of curating highly vetted profiles of experts in the field of sustainability with the aim to collectively connect the dots is brilliant."

Image of Johannes Knubben, a member of 'The Sustainability Circle', shown against a backdrop incorporating the brand’s signature purple color scheme, symbolizing commitment to sustainability and unity within the community
Johannes Knubben
Head of Sustainability
Step 2

Solve Your Most Critical Problems

Experience the power of tackling your most critical business and career challenges with likeminded sustainability leaders who have actually been there and done that, all facilitated by a professional facilitator on a powerful digital platform.

Solve your problems faster

Our uniquely designed peer-advisory approach guarantees rapid problem solving, led by your facilitator in a fast-paced format.

"A visual representation of a professional workflow or conversation, with three speech bubbles linked by a timeline. Each bubble contains a photo of a different person and a snippet of text. The first bubble, aligned to the top, shows a woman with a comment about a problem with a direct report. Below, connected by a line, the second speech bubble features a man's photo with a censored text block. The third bubble at the bottom shows a woman's photo accompanied by a blurred text block. The timeline suggests a sequence of communication or events in a corporate setting.
Guided by a professional facilitator

Our experienced facilitators will lead you through every session. Your only task is to show up.

Powered with all the digital tools you need

Our digital-first experience includes video calls with live chats and private group channels for 24/7 messaging.

"An image of a laptop screen displaying a video conference call with six participants. Each participant is shown within their own frame, indicating a grid view layout that's typical for virtual meetings. The individuals represent a diverse group, each with a different expression, possibly engaged in a discussion or collaborative work session. The laptop is placed against a blurred background, highlighting the screen and the virtual interaction. The imagery is indicative of modern remote working environments and technology's role in facilitating communication.

"As the person responsible for sustainability, I am often interested in exchanging ideas with colleagues. I find it extremely exciting that this can finally take place in a structured framework."

Christof Burgbacher
Head of Sustainability
Step 3

Reach Your Professional Goals

Built for lasting commitment, our adaptive peer-advisory program supports your career journey throughout the year. Benefit from a proven framework, actionable peer support, and frequent accountability check-ins to reach your goals.

Work on your goals together with your group

Reach your goals faster using proven goal-setting strategies, regular follow-up check-ins, and committed accountability partners.

"An infographic depicting a 'Goal Achievement' chart with various bubbles of different sizes connected by lines. The largest bubble includes a checklist with the following items: 'Promotion to Director', '60% Budget approved by Board', 'Emission reduction goals fully met', 'Employee NPS of +90'. The design is minimalistic with a pastel color scheme.

“TSC brings together individuals to exchange ideas and drive actions for a sustainable future. The opportunity for impactful discussions and collective problem-solving is deeply empowering.”

Dr. Kaushik Sridhar
Sustainability Leader
@ Orka
Grow together with your peers

All programming is specifically tailored to help you solve your challenges and reach your goals together with your peers.

The image features a circular arrangement of seven individual portraits, connected by a lilac-colored ring against a transparent background, suggesting a peer-group. Each portrait is placed within a white circle with a subtle drop shadow, giving the impression of floating or being pinned on the ring. The individuals vary in appearance, suggesting a diverse group of professionals or members of a community. The style of the graphic implies a cohesive unit, such as a peer group or team within a larger organization or network, possibly used on a website or platform to represent a feature such as "Peer Group" ,"Our Team" or "Community Members."
Elevate your decision making

Get advice from like-minded peers who have actually been there and done that to make decisions with confidence.

Learn More About our Pioneering
Peer-Advisory Approach

The TSC Network

Empowering Sustainability
Leaders to Excel Together

Screenshot of a professional networking platform across two devices. On the left, a smartphone displays a user's post in a feed asking for feedback on materiality assessment under CSRD, with options to like, comment, and follow. On the right, a tablet shows the platform's homepage with sections for 'Your Upcoming Sessions,' 'My Circle,' and 'Your Artifacts,' featuring various community members and their contributions.

Receive Support from Peers Who've Been in Your Shoes

Exchange knowledge on an equal level in dedicated groups and sessions. Get practical, ad-hoc advice from experts who've faced similar challenges.

Uncover Unique Insights You Won't Find Elsewhere

Some things can't be taught in a course or learned from a book. Join interactive peer sessions for unique insights on timely topics, or watch the recordings later.

Forge Relationships that Unlock Unmatched Opportunities

TSC fosters close relationships that unlock lifelong opportunities, with members who can open doors, offer jobs, and shape your career.