Imprint & Privacy Policy


Information in accordance with § 5 TMG
Maximilian Schmitt
Weinmeisterstraße 12, 10178 Berlin
Jonas Wiedenhorn
Mengerzeile 11, 12435 Berlin

Contact info
Phone: +49 160 8104462

Sales tax identification
Foundation process ongoing. Information will follow after completion.

Editorial responsibility

Responsible for content according to § 55 II RStV: Maximilian Schmitt, Jonas Wiedenhorn

Privacy Policy

(Version as of 25.03.2024)

Maximilian Schmitt and Jonas Wiedenhorn ("we," "us", "our") are dedicated to ensuring your familiarity and understanding of how we collect, utilize, and disclose Personal Information. Through this Privacy Policy, we aim to transparently convey our practices concerning Personal Information that we gather and process in relation to:

  • Websites: Our websites that you access, which are governed by this Privacy Policy ("the Websites")
  • Applications: Software applications we offer for use on computers and mobile devices ("the Apps")
  • Social Media Pages: Our presence on various social media platforms, which can be found at:
  • LinkedIn:
  • YouTube:
  • Email Communications: HTML-formatted email messages we send that link to this Privacy Policy, alongside other communications with you.
  • Offline Interactions: Business interactions with us that occur offline.

Scope of Services: Collectively, the aforementioned Websites, Apps, Social Media Pages, email communications, and offline interactions are referred to as the "Services." This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected through these Services.

Summary of Key Aspects
This summary highlights key aspects of our privacy practices and provides navigation to detailed information:
applicable data protection laws. 

  • Personal Information We Process: The personal information we process depends on your interactions with us and the Services, your choices, and the features you use.
  • Sensitive Personal Information: We do not process sensitive personal information.
  • Information from Third Parties: We do not receive information from third parties.
  • Our Processing Activities: We process your information to deliver, improve, and manage our Services, communicate with you, ensure security and fraud prevention, and comply with legal obligations. Processing is conducted based on valid legal grounds.
  • Sharing of Personal Information: Information may be shared under specific circumstances with certain third parties.
  • Data Security: We implement organizational and technical measures to protect your personal information, acknowledging that no system is entirely secure.
  • Your Rights: Depending on your location, you may have rights regarding your personal information.
  • Exercising Your Rights: To exercise your rights, you can contact us directly. We will respond in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

For a thorough understanding of our data handling practices, review our full privacy policy.


Privacy Policy Overview
General Provision: In accordance with this policy, we collect personal data that individuals provide voluntarily through their engagement with our Services. This includes, but is not limited to, registration processes, inquiries about our products and services, participation in our service activities, and direct communications with us.

Nature and Scope of Collected Data: The scope of personal data collected is contingent upon the user's interactions with our Services, the selections made by the user, and the utilization of various products and functionalities available. Types of personal data we collect include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal identifiers such as names and email addresses;
  • Professional details including job titles;
  • Account credentials, including passwords;
  • Communication preferences and contact details;
  • Financial transaction data for billing purposes, including addresses.
  • Content a user may create or share on our Services, including posts on our Social Media Pages, blogs, and comment sections.

Exclusion of Sensitive Data Processing: We explicitly state that our data processing activities exclude sensitive personal information, in alignment with data protection principles.

Payment Information: In the event of financial transactions, we collect necessary payment data, which may include payment instrument numbers and security codes. All payment data is managed by our payment processing partner, Stripe, whose privacy practices are delineated in their privacy notice, available at Stripe Privacy Notice.

Accuracy and Updating of Data: It is imperative that all personal data provided to us is accurate, complete, and updated. We rely on individuals to notify us of any changes to their personal data.

Automated Data Collection

General Provision: Certain information is collected automatically upon accessing our Services. This includes, but is not limited to, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and device-specific data.

Scope of Automatically Collected Information: The automatically collected data may encompass device and usage information such as IP addresses, browser types and settings, operating systems, language preferences, and other technical data related to the use and navigation of our Services. This collection is essential for maintaining the security and operational integrity of our Services, alongside supporting our internal analytics and reporting mechanisms.

Cookies and Similar Technologies: We employ cookies and comparable technologies to collect data regarding the interactions with our Services. This encompasses:

  • Log and Usage Data: This includes diagnostic and performance-related data collected by our servers, which is recorded in log files. This data might detail your interactions with our Services, including timestamps, viewed pages, and system activity.
  • Device Data: We collect data related to the devices used to access our Services, which may include IP addresses, browser types, and operating system details.
  • Location Data: We may collect precise or imprecise location data from your device, subject to the device's settings and permissions. Users have the option to disable location data collection, which may impact the functionality of certain Services.

Data Processing Activities
We commit to processing personal data with the utmost integrity and in compliance with applicable legal frameworks, primarily to deliver, enhance, and manage our Services. The processing of personal data is conducted with the overarching objectives of ensuring effective communication with users, safeguarding the security of our Services against fraudulent activities, and adhering to legal obligations. Furthermore, certain processing activities may be carried out with the explicit consent of the data subject.

Specific Processing Purposes: The processing of personal data by us is predicated on the following specific purposes, contingent upon the nature of the user's interaction with our Services:

  • Account Management: To facilitate the creation and authentication of user accounts, ensuring their optimal functionality and security. This encompasses processing data for account setup, login capabilities, and ongoing account maintenance.
  • User Support and Inquiry Response: To address and resolve queries or issues raised by users, ensuring a seamless service experience. This includes processing personal data to offer timely and effective support.
  • Administrative Communications: To disseminate crucial information regarding our products, services, modifications to terms and policies, and other pertinent administrative details. This processing activity is aimed at keeping users informed and engaged.
  • Facilitation of User-to-User Communications: To enable interactions between users through our services, should they opt to utilize such features. This involves processing personal data to support user-initiated communications within the framework of our Services.
  • Protection of Vital Interests: To undertake processing activities that are essential for safeguarding the vital interests of individuals, including but not limited to, preventive measures against potential harm. This denotes our commitment to prioritizing user safety and well-being through our data processing practices.

The outlined processing activities are executed with a foundational commitment to data protection principles, ensuring that personal data is handled with the highest degree of care and security. We remain steadfast in its adherence to applicable data protection laws and regulations, fostering trust and transparency with our users.

Legal Grounds for Processing Personal Data
General Principle: Our processing of personal data is predicated on the principle of necessity and legality, adhering strictly to valid legal bases as prescribed by applicable law. We engage in the processing of personal information solely when justified by a legitimate legal basis, such as the individual's consent, the need to fulfill contractual obligations, compliance with legal requirements, the protection of individual rights, or the pursuit of legitimate business interests.

Applicability to EU and UK Residents
For individuals residing within the European Union (EU) or the United Kingdom (UK), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK GDPR respectively mandate the articulation of legal bases underpinning the processing of personal data. Accordingly, we rely on the following legal grounds:

  • Consent: Processing based on the explicit consent of the data subject for one or more specific purposes. Consent is revocable at any time, providing data subjects with ongoing control over their personal data.
  • Performance of a Contract: Processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is party, or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.
  • Legal Obligations: Processing is required for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject. This encompasses cooperation with law enforcement or regulatory bodies, exercising or defending legal rights, or fulfilling litigation-related disclosures.
  • Vital Interests: Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of a data subject or another natural person. This applies in scenarios where there is an imminent threat to health or safety.

Applicability to Canadian Residents
For individuals located in Canada, our processing activities are guided by principles of express or implied consent, with the individual's permission being a prerequisite for specific processing activities. Consent withdrawal mechanisms are transparently provided to ensure individual autonomy. Notwithstanding the general consent requirements, certain conditions permit processing without consent:

  • When immediate action is necessary for an individual's interests and consent cannot be timely secured.
  • For the purposes of investigation, fraud detection, and prevention.
  • During business transactions, subject to specific preconditions.
  • In the context of witness statements necessary for insurance claims.
  • For identifying and communicating with next of kin regarding injured, ill, or deceased individuals.
  • If there is reasonable belief of financial abuse of an individual.
  • When non-consent-based collection is essential for breach investigations or compliance with legal statutes.
  • When the information is produced in a professional capacity and is congruent with the purposes for which it was created.
  • Exclusively for journalistic, artistic, or literary purposes.

Data sharing practices
General Principle: We may share personal data under certain, clearly defined circumstances as outlined herein, ensuring compliance with applicable data protection regulations. Such sharing of personal data is conducted strictly within the bounds of necessity and is governed by stringent contractual arrangements that uphold the confidentiality and security of the data.

Third-Party Service Providers: Personal data may be disclosed to a variety of third-party vendors, consultants, and service providers (hereafter referred to as “third parties”) who render services on our behalf or to facilitate the provision of our Services. These third parties are bound by contractual obligations that enforce the protection of personal data, prohibiting its use beyond the scope of the services rendered for us and mandating adherence to data protection standards. Specifically, personal data may be shared with third parties engaged in:

  • Advertising, Direct Marketing, and Lead Generation: LinkedIn, LemList
  • Community Platform: Circle
  • Hosting and Content Delivery Networks (CDN): Webflow, Google Cloud CDN
  • Digital Workspace: Google Workspace
  • Cloud Computing Services: Google Cloud Platform, Amazon AWS, Azure, Cloudflare
  • Social Media Platforms: LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter
  • Analytics and Marketing: Google Tag Manager, Google Ads Remarketing, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Conversion-Tracking, LinkedIn Insight Tag
  • Invoice and Billing Services: Stripe

Business Transfers: In the event of mergers, acquisitions, financing negotiations, or divestitures, personal data may be shared or transferred as part of the transaction process with prospective or actual purchasers, or receiving parties.

Affiliates: Personal data may be disclosed within our corporate family, including parent companies, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other entities under common control, with the stipulation that these entities honor this privacy notice's protections.

Public Disclosures by Users: Should users disclose personal data through public forums within our Services, such information may become accessible to all users and potentially publicly available indefinitely. This includes personal information shared in comments, posts, or through user profiles.

It is our commitment to ensure the security and integrity of personal data through rigorous contractual arrangements with third parties, adherence to legal and regulatory frameworks, and transparent communication with our users regarding the nature and scope of data sharing activities.

Utilization of Cookies and Tracking Technologies
General Provision: We may employ cookies and various tracking technologies as a means to collect and preserve information pertinent to the usage of our Services. This utilization is governed by principles of transparency and user control, ensuring alignment with data protection regulations.

Tracking Technologies Employed: The spectrum of technologies we implement may include, but is not limited to, cookies, web beacons, and pixels. These tools are instrumental in enhancing and personalizing the user experience, facilitating service functionality, and collecting analytics data that informs our service improvements.

Cookie Notice: Detailed information regarding our application of cookies and tracking technologies, inclusive of their purpose, the type of information gathered, and the choices available to users regarding the management of such technologies, is comprehensively outlined in our Cookie Notice. This document serves as a guide for users to understand the implications of cookie usage and to exercise their preferences with respect to acceptance or refusal of cookies.

International Transfers of Personal Information
General Statement: We  recognize the global nature of the internet and the necessity of transferring personal information across international borders to fulfill our service commitments. This process involves the relocation, storage, and handling of user data across various jurisdictions beyond the user's country of residence.

Server Locations and Data Transfer Pathways: Our primary data storage facilities are situated in the United States and Germany. Consequently, users accessing our Services from outside these nations should be cognizant of the fact that their personal data may be transferred to, stored, or processed in these countries, as well as others where our third-party partners operate (refer to the section “Data sharing practices").

Commitment to Data Protection in the EEA and UK: For residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK), we acknowledge that these transfers involve jurisdictions where data protection laws may not offer the same level of protection as those in your domicile. In response to this, we are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information through adherence to this privacy notice and applicable data protection laws.

European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses Implementation: To safeguard personal information transferred outside of the EEA or UK, we have adopted the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses. These clauses obligate all data recipients within our corporate group and our third-party providers to process such data in a manner that is consistent with European data protection standards. Copies of our Standard Contractual Clauses are available upon request.

Additional Safeguards: We have also instituted similar protective measures with our third-party service providers and partners. Detailed information regarding these safeguards is available to our users upon request.

Through these measures, we ensure the diligent protection of personal information across international borders, in alignment with our commitment to privacy, data protection, and compliance with applicable legal frameworks.

Retention of Personal Data
General Principle: In adherence to our commitment to respecting privacy and complying with data protection regulations, we maintain a policy of retaining personal data only for the duration necessary to achieve the objectives outlined in this privacy notice, except where extended retention periods are mandated or authorized by applicable legal statutes, including but not limited to taxation, accounting, or other statutory requirements.

Determining Retention Periods: The retention of personal data is strictly limited to the timeframe required for the purposes specified within this privacy notice. Notably, personal data shall not be retained beyond the duration of an individual's active account with our Services, barring legal imperatives that dictate a longer retention period.

Procedures for Data Disposal and Anonymization: Upon the cessation of the legitimate business necessity for processing personal data, we are committed to undertaking one of the following actions: the deletion of personal data, anonymization of such data, or, in scenarios where neither action is feasible (for instance, when personal data is contained within backup archives), the secure storage of personal data in a manner that isolates it from any further processing until such a time as deletion becomes viable.

Data Security Measures
General Commitment: We are committed to safeguarding your personal information through the adoption of comprehensive organizational and technical security measures. Our objective is to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

Limitations of Security Measures: Despite our rigorous security protocols, it is important to acknowledge that no digital transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be completely secure. As such, while we endeavor to protect your personal information with commercially acceptable means, we cannot assure its absolute security. We encourage users to ensure a secure environment when transmitting personal information to and from our Services.

Collection of Information from Minors
General Principle: We are committed to protecting the privacy of young users. Our Services are not directed at, nor do we knowingly collect personal information from, individuals under 18 years of age. Users must confirm they are at least 18 years of age or are providing consent as the parent or guardian of a minor under 18 years old.

Action upon Unauthorized Collection: If we discover that personal information from individuals under the age of 18 has been collected without verifiable parental consent, we will take immediate steps to deactivate any such account and promptly delete the information from our records. We urge users to contact us if they are aware of any data we may have inadvertently collected from minors.

User Privacy Rights
Regional Rights: In specific regions, such as the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK), and Canada, users are granted extensive rights over their personal data under applicable data protection laws. These rights include access to, modification, and deletion of their personal information, subject to legal and practical limitations.

Exercising Your Rights: Rights afforded to individuals may include (i) the right to request access to and a copy of their personal information, (ii) the right to request rectification or erasure, (iii) the right to restrict the processing of their personal information, and (iv) the right to data portability. Additionally, individuals may object to the processing of their personal information in certain circumstances. Users wishing to exercise these rights should contact us through the provided contact details.

Withdrawal of Consent and Complaints: Users can withdraw their consent at any time, which will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal. Individuals in the EEA or UK believing our processing of their personal information to be unlawful can lodge a complaint with their local data protection supervisory authority.

Marketing Communications and Cookies: Users may opt out of receiving marketing communications by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these communications. Users may also control their cookie settings through their browser to decline non-essential cookies, which may impact certain Service functionalities.

Controls for DO-NOT-TRACK Features 
We acknowledge the presence of Do-Not-Track (DNT) features in most web browsers and certain mobile operating systems and applications, allowing users to indicate a preference not to have their online browsing activities monitored and collected. Currently, due to the absence of a uniform technological standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals, our Services do not respond to DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your choice not to be tracked online. Should a standard that we must follow in the future be established, we will inform you about our practices in a revised version of this privacy notice.

Updates to this Privacy Policy
Policy Updates and Compliance: In alignment with our commitment to comply with relevant legal standards and best practices, we reserve the right to amend this privacy notice periodically. The effectiveness of any amendments will be signaled by an updated “Revised” date displayed at the top of this notice.

Notification of Changes: Should there be substantial modifications to our privacy practices, we will endeavor to inform you through prominent notices on our platform or direct communication. Such measures ensure that you are always aware of the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

Encouragement to Review: We strongly encourage all users to regularly review our privacy notice. Staying informed about our privacy practices is a crucial step in understanding and exercising your privacy rights effectively.

Contact Information for Privacy Inquiries
Inquiries Regarding This Notice: Should you have any questions or wish to provide feedback concerning this privacy notice, please do not hesitate to reach out to:

  • Name: Jonas Wiedenhorn
  • Address:
  • Jonas Wiedenhorn
  • Mengerzeile 11
  • Berlin, 12435
  • Germany

Additional Contact Method: For further inquiries or comments, you may also contact Us directly via post:

  • Name: Maximilian Schmitt
  • Address
  • Maximilian Schmitt
  • Weinmeisterstraße 12
  • Berlin, 10178
  • Germany

We are dedicated to addressing your concerns and providing the necessary information regarding our privacy practices and your data protection rights.

Access, Modify, and Delete your Personal Data
Rights to Access, Modify, and Delete: In accordance with the data protection laws relevant to your jurisdiction, you may be entitled to certain rights regarding the personal information we hold about you. These rights may enable you to request access to, make corrections to, or undertake the deletion of your personal information that we have collected.

Exercising Your Rights: To initiate a review, modification, or deletion of your personal data, please complete and submit the designated request form available through the provided link. This process has been established to facilitate the efficient handling of your data management requests, ensuring compliance with applicable legal obligations and respecting your data privacy rights.

Cookie Policy

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online. This Cookie Policy delineates our practices concerning the deployment of cookies and analogous technologies when you navigate our digital platform, accessible via ("the Website"). It elaborates on the nature of these technologies, their utility, and furnishes you with the necessary insights to manage them effectively.

Definition and Utility of Cookies
Cookies are diminutive data files implanted on your computer or mobile apparatus upon visiting a website. These are instrumental for website proprietors to augment functionality, streamline operations, and garner analytical data.
First-party cookies: Directly set by us, facilitating essential website functionalities.
Third-party cookies: Deployed by external entities, these cookies extend features or functionalities on the website, including but not limited to, advertising, interactive content, and analytics. Such entities may track your device across different websites and sessions.

Purpose of Utilizing Cookies
Our utilization of first- and third-party cookies spans several objectives. Essential cookies are imperative for the Website's operational integrity. Beyond essential services, cookies assist in user experience enhancement by personalizing content and adverts, alongside analytical purposes to refine our offerings.

Managing Cookies
You possess the autonomy to accept or decline cookies, a choice exercisable via our Cookie Consent Manager. This tool empowers you to customize your preferences, albeit with the understanding that essential cookies are non-negotiable due to their criticality for service provision. Adjusting your web browser settings is an alternative method to control cookie preferences.

Detailed Cookie Information
For a comprehensive understanding of the cookies operational through our Website and their respective functionalities, we provide a detailed enumeration accessible on our digital properties.

Browser Configuration for Cookies
Web browser settings are your gateway to managing cookie preferences, with procedures varying across browsers. For tailored guidance, consulting the help section of your browser is recommended. Moreover, to opt-out from targeted advertising, several platforms offer insights and mechanisms to assert your preferences.

Ancillary Tracking Technologies
Beyond cookies, we occasionally employ technologies like web beacons to track website navigation patterns and assess the efficacy of our digital marketing initiatives. These technologies are often reliant on cookies; hence, disabling cookies may affect their functionality.

Flash Cookies and Local Shared Objects

Our digital offerings may incorporate Flash Cookies or Local Shared Objects for enhanced service delivery. Should you wish to manage these, Flash player settings provide avenues to block or delete Flash Cookies, albeit at the potential cost of diminished functionality for certain Flash-based applications.

Targeted Advertising
We may permit third parties to serve cookies aimed at delivering targeted advertising based on your browsing history. While these entities strive to align adverts with your interests, it is your prerogative to control such cookies, including through the rejection of non-essential cookies via our Cookie Consent Manager.

Policy Updates
This Cookie Policy is subject to amendments reflecting changes in our cookie usage practices or in response to legal, operational, or regulatory shifts. We advocate for regular review of this policy to stay informed of how we manage cookies and related technologies.

Last Revision Date: The header of this Page marks its most recent update.
Inquiries For further details on our cookie practices or any privacy concerns, please reach out to us at or via postal mail at: Maximilian Schmitt, Weinmeisterstraße 12, Berlin, 10178, Germany.