FAQs - Frequently asked questions

These are the most common inquiries we receive. If you have more questions, applying is the best course of action. Throughout the application process, you'll talk with a member of our team, giving you the chance to ask any additional questions you might have.

What are TSC’s membership criteria?

Our mission is to unite and empower sustainability leaders, providing a private and trusted community for those navigating the complexities of driving environmental and social change.

Membership in our community is tailored for those holding active roles within the realm of sustainability. We diligently assess applicants, ensuring our members receive support from genuine peers. While our community boasts a global reach, our current focus is on expanding our network within Europe and the US, though we enthusiastically invite sustainability leaders from all corners of the globe. Diversity remains a cornerstone of our values, guiding our efforts to build a truly inclusive community that leads the way in sustainable transformation.

For those interested in joining, please refer to our membership criteria for further details. Should you have any questions about your application or wish to provide additional context regarding your professional journey in sustainability, feel free to contact us.

How much effort is needed to gain maximum benefits from the Community?

Recognizing the variability in personal and professional commitments, the time investment to fully engage with the network varies. Anticipate dedicating 4-5 hours monthly, if you want to get the maximum out of your membership. Participation in any event or learning experience remains voluntary, and we ensure to record the majority of our community-powered learning sessions for later access.

What is TSC’s non-solicitation policy?

We know how a solid network can spark members to collaborate and do business together, and we're all for fostering those connections in our community. However, it's key that our space remains a trusted zone for everyone involved. We have a firm rule against solicitation - this means we don't allow any direct sales pitches or marketing moves within our community if it's just about drumming up business.

Can I get reimbursed by my company?

Many of our members receive full reimbursement for their membership fees through their companies' learning and development budgets. Our support you in making your case internally by consolidating the information most employers need and providing a structured argument outline.Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to email us at

What services come with a membership to TSC?

TSC Membership provides access to a comprehensive suite of services designed to support and empower sustainability leaders through a combination of networking, learning, and collaborative opportunities. Our aim is to foster a vibrant community of professionals committed to driving sustainability forward, offering resources that cater to the diverse needs of our members.
Here's what membership includes:

  • Circles: Small, intimate peer groups of 6-8 members that meet regularly to share insights, challenges, and strategies in a supportive environment, facilitating deep, meaningful connections and mutual growth.
  • Artifacts: Access a curated collection of tools, resources, and materials—known as 'artifacts'—designed to support members in their sustainability efforts, from implementing strategies to enhancing organizational practices.
  • Virtual and In-Person Events: Participate in a variety of events, both online and on-site, designed to facilitate networking, learning, and collaboration among sustainability professionals from around the globe
  • A Global Network: Join a worldwide network of sustainability leaders, creating opportunities for deep connections that transcend geographical boundaries, fostering a global community of like-minded professionals.
  • Peer-Learning Sessions: Engage with bespoke roundtables, interactive workshops, and presentations crafted to address the specific needs and interests of sustainability leaders, enhancing skills and knowledge in a practical, impactful manner.
  • On-Demand Content Hub: A repository of past recordings from our learning experiences, allowing members to access valuable content and insights at their convenience, ensuring they never miss out on learning opportunities.
  • Community Groups & Member Search: A dynamic online platform offering dedicated spaces for members to engage in discussions, pose questions, and receive insights on a wide range of sustainability topics, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing.

What is our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?

At The Sustainability Circle (TSC), we are committed to changing the landscape of leadership within the sustainability sector. Founded with the vision to support and elevate sustainability leaders of all identities, we aim for our membership to exemplify what leadership should look like in an equitable and inclusive future. We acknowledge the significant challenges faced by individuals across the gender spectrum, compounded by factors such as race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and disability. Our goal is to cultivate a diverse community that embraces multiple and intersecting identities, striving to significantly increase the representation of underrepresented groups within the field of sustainability. We welcome sustainability leaders who identify as women, transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming, among others, to join our mission in creating a more sustainable and just world.

What can I expect from the application process?

The initial step in joining us is to fill out an application. If your application aligns with our membership criteria, you can expect to hear from us within 2 working days to arrange a 20-minute virtual interview. This conversation allows us to dive into your motivation and interest in joining TSC. It's also an opportunity for us to introduce you to our community, its values, and to address any inquiries you might have. Should you meet the requirements for membership, we aim to send out an acceptance notification usually within a week following your interview.

What happens if I’m not accepted to TSC?

Our membership is crafted for those who are actively driving sustainability within their organizations. We screen applicants for experience to ensure our members are in the company of true peers. If you don't meet our membership criteria just yet, think of it not as a rejection, but as a "not yet." We look forward to welcoming you as you advance in your career or as we expand our services.

How can I check in on an application?

If you have questions about the status of your application, please contact application@tsc.earth.

I applied to join TSC and haven't received a response

We encourage all applicants to reach out proactively to application@tsc.earth for updates or if their professional circumstances evolve to align with our membership criteria. We are in the process of refining our approach to ensure greater transparency regarding the status of pending memberships. Additionally, we offer comprehensive and explicit criteria on our website to provide applicants with a clear understanding of our vetting process for membership. For more details on our membership standards, please visit our membership criteria page.

What is " The Circle" program?

"The Circle" at TSC are tightly-knit peer groups of 8-10 sustainability leaders who meet every 4-6 weeks for 90 minute sessions to share insights, challenges, and successes. These groups are carefully composed of professionals at similar career stages but from diverse roles, industries, and functions, fostering a rich environment for peer learning and support. The program aim to be a transformative experience, offering members a confidential space to discuss challenges and opportunities with true peers. This unique setup encourages deep connections, facilitates personal and professional growth, and supports members in achieving their goals and advancing their sustainability initiatives.

Do I have to join a circle (peer-group)?

Joining a Circle is mandatory. Circles are designed to facilitate deeply personal and challenging discussions among professional peers, making trust and accountability crucial for the experience.

What happens if I want to change my circle?

If you feel the need to switch Circles, we understand that preferences and needs can evolve. We strive to create the ideal blend of 8-10 members initially, but we're flexible and ready to adjust based on your feedback and requirements. Should you wish to change Circles, we're committed to facilitating this transition smoothly and swiftly.

How do I submit an event or speaker idea to TSC?

We welcome and value event and speaker suggestions from our broader sustainability community. If you have an idea you'd like to share, please reach out to us via email at hey@tsc.earth.

How can I partner or collaborate with TSC?

We're keen on exploring partnership and collaboration opportunities that complement our community goals. For more details and to propose a potential collaboration, please visit our partnerships page at tsc.earth/partnerships.

What is the TSC Grant Program?

TSC was established to connect and uplift leaders in the sustainability field, recognizing that the diversity of our community enhances our impact. We envision a future where leadership is accessible to everyone, regardless of race, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality.
The TSC Grant Program is designed to lower financial barriers for professionals who have faced identity-based inequities and those working within the non-profit sector. It provides a subsidy towards annual TSC membership for both new and renewing members, with the subsidy amount being consistent across all grant recipients.

Who is eligible for a grant?

Our grants are aimed at professionals who have encountered identity-based inequities or are employed in the non-profit sector. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Racial and ethnic minorities
- Non-binary/gender fluid individuals
- People with disabilities
- Non-profit sector professionals

Applicants are required to submit a personal statement to help us understand their unique circumstances. Given the limited number of grants, we prioritize applications based on intersectional identities, individual circumstances, and the potential inability of an applicant's organization to sponsor their membership.

How can I apply for a grant?

New members can apply for a grant after completing the TSC membership application process, with the grant application being a separate step.Existing members should contact us at application@tsc.earth as their renewal date approaches.We reviews applications monthly, considering various criteria including personal statements and the applicant's background. We aim to inform applicants of their grant status via email within 4 weeks of receiving the application.Due to the limited nature of our grants, we carefully consider intersectional identities, personal circumstances, and organizational support for membership when evaluating applications.